All sections of trails are OPEN.  Check Trail Status for details and information. 

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Te Ara Mangawhero Stage I Opens

Ngāti Rangi is rapt to announce the first stage of Te Ara Mangawhero, the 21.4km eco-tourism hiking/cycling trail connecting Tūroa and Ohakune on Maunga Ruapehu has officially opened to the public. The newest section of the Mountains to Sea - Ngā Ara Tūhono Great Ride was opened on the 1st of November by Minister for Conservation, Māori Development and Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti Tama Potaka.Ruapehu Mayor Weston Kirton; Whanganui District Council Mayor and Chair of the Mountain...

November 1, 2024

Te Ara Mangawhero Due to Start Construction

Ngāti Rangi is delighted to announce the start of its much-awaited eco-tourism initiative, Te Ara o Mangawhero, having met all necessary requirements for its concession. Te Ara Mangawhero is a 21.3 km hiking / cycling trail located on the flanks of Mount Ruapehu connecting Tūroa and Ohakune.   Those who have been associated with the work leading up to the development of the trail are invited to gather at 1 Mountain Road, Ohakune next Tuesday 18 July 2023 for the turning of the f...

July 12, 2023

Concession Application for Te Ara Mangawhero - Have your say!

It's time to support the next phase of ensuring our connected pathways deliver great experiences for locals and visitors.  The proposed Te Ara Mangawhero trail provides a safe connected alternative to Ohakune Mountain Road, and delivers a journey that travels over old bush tramways and tramping tracks, for a spectacular meander through the ngahere. This project is being led by Ngāti Rangi, for the community and as their part of Mountains to Sea - Nga Ara Tūhono connected pathways. Ngāti ...

September 19, 2022

My Day Job as a Daring Dangler

The popular Ohakune Old Coach Road, opened in 2009, has helped to transform Ohakune tourism. Around 20,000 visitors annually enjoy the 18m ride or walk between Horopito and Ohakune that blends heritage and nature. The highlight is the massive Hapuawhenua railway viaduct 284m long and 45m (9 stories) high. This historic viaduct follows a graceful curve through a rimu forest setting. This week the Department of Conservation arranged for a condition inspection of the paint work on this massive stee...

June 23, 2021

NZ's remotest ANZAC Day in 2021...

Sunday’s ANZAC Day gathering in the Mangapurua Valley is a contender for NZ’s most remote commemoration. Wounded Gallipoli survivors were amongst the 71 returned WW1 soldiers that from 1917 took up land in the Mangapurua soldier settlement scheme. Many started families there with wives prepared to build a dream in the harsh remote conditions. Descendants retain a strong connection with the valley and come from afar to meet there on Anzac Day every second year. In this remote valley up the Wh...

April 26, 2021

Stabilising the Bridge to Nowhere | Mangapurua

Concrete seems really strong and likely to last forever … but it can deteriorate. The large concrete Bridge to Nowhere requires attention to preserve it as a heritage feature long-term. This is like dental work: remove the plaque then find and fill the defects when they are small. ...

April 4, 2021

Mountains to Sea – Ngā Ara Tūhono set to expand with spectacular new additions

The vision of truly connected pathways from Mountains (Tūroa) to the Tasman Sea (Whanganui) is set to become a reality thanks to the announcement by the Minister of Regional Development Shane Jones, that the Ruapehu sections to trails will receive $4.6 million in funding from the Provincial Growth Fund.  This coupled with existing funding that was held over from the original NZ Cycle Trails development under the last government means work will get underway on the final sections. (Total inv...

October 5, 2020 Posts 1-7 of 7 | Page

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