Mangapurua Alternate Options
Sometimes our Papa Geology creates challenges....
So, keep riding...
As history has shown, occasionally, the celebrated papa bluffs fall victim to moving landscapes and the impact of extreme weather (and volumes of water). When this happens, we may make the decision to close the section of the Mangapurua Track from the Trig to the Bridge to Nowhere. We do this for the safety of everyone - there is little in the way of communication if something goes wrong, and the sticky mud can wreck chains and derailleurs making a very unpleasant trip. Fortunately - there are some great alternatives to ride until the weather improves and we get this open again (after all we have the advantage of technology that our forebears didn't)
We've shared three of our favourite route ideas for Mangapurua Alternate Options below connecting from the end of Ohakune Old Coach Road (Horopito) onwards.... Your local shuttle operator will be able to help with planning and support logistics. (And options for Tour Aotearoa through riders too)
Take an extra river ride...
Option One:
Follow the normal route up the Ruatiti Valley, but after you get to the Mangapurua Trig, turn around and come back down the hill for a couple of kilometres to the carved Māori pou, and then left down the Kaiwhakauka Valley. This track has been largely upgraded although there are some parts still to be finished, so take your time and walk if you're not confident (they are relatively short sections). From Whakahoro you can get a jet boat from Blue Duck Station (minimums and pre booking required), down to Mangapurua Landing. After riding up and back to the Bridge to Nowhere from here, connect to one of the other two jetboat operators and continue your way as normal.
(This may also be done in reverse - discuss with your operator)

Ride the Valleys
Option Two:
Experience the best of the views, discover more about Papa and experience some of the history and special places that make this one of NZ's hidden secrets.
After coming out Ohakune Old Coach Road, grab a shuttle to Cuff Road and ride the Marton Sash and Door, Fishers Track and Oio Road to Whakahoro (Blue Duck Station), before ascending the Kaiwhakauka and then back down the Mangapurua and Ruatiti Valley.
(We don't recommend you ride SH4 as it is not safe for riding. Your shuttle operator can bridge the gap between Horopito and Erua - we're working on the Te Hangaruru, a new connection here, but it's not quite ready)
It's a short hop to Raetihi and the (hopefully) new Heartland Ride to Pipiriki - the Waipuna Heartland Ride

Skip the mud, enjoy the hills
Option Three:
This is for those short on time or less experienced at single track.
Working with your shuttle operator, once you have ridden out to Middle Road, get a pickup and be dropped off on the top of the Raetihi-Pipiriki Road. (10kms from Raetihi). The Waipuna Heartland Ride is a fabulous 17kms of sealed road mostly downhill through a mix of rural landscape and native forest.
We don't recommend riding SH4
From Pipiriki, arrange a scenic jetboat tour to the Bridge to Nowhere (return) with your choice of operator before continuing on down towards Whanganui.